3 Reasons To Become A Nurse Coach

9 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

If you are already an RN, you may be wondering what the next step is for your career. Some RNs choose to become nurse coaches because of the wide range of opportunities and responsibilities that allow nurses to broaden their career horizons.

Choice Of Clientele

As a nurse, you may have chosen to work in specific environments or patient populations, such as pediatrics or surgical step-down. You can make similar career choices as a nurse coach since your skills are needed in different settings. For example, some nurse coaches choose to work with people who have chronic diseases, such as diabetes or heart failure. Their job entails educating clients on their conditions and how to stay abreast of their medications and appointments to minimize the chance of worsening conditions. Additionally, lifestyle education is an important part of the job when working with chronic disease patients. This can include educating clientele on what they should eat for their condition and coaching them on weight loss and fitness.

Varied Work Environment

Nurse coaches can be found in various environments. Some nurses work as part of a team at a hospital or medical practice. They may offer coaching to patients in the hospital as part of preparing them to return home after a new diagnosis or doctors within a medical practice may keep a nursing coach on staff to fulfill a similar role. Sometimes coaches may travel to client's homes, especially clients who may be confined to their bed or have limited mobility. They can be instrumental in the home of a new mother who is adjusting to having a newborn at home and breastfeeding or who has a baby with a congenital condition.

Opportunities For Self-Employment

Some nurse coaches enjoy the opportunity to be self-employed and offer their services without being confined to a specific work environment. Self-employed coaches have several opportunities to find and work with clients because they may offer consultations or services online or speak with their clients via the phone or one-on-one video. Self-employment is an excellent opportunity for nurses who need more job flexibility, whether they have family obligations or are in the process of furthering their education. They can be more selective about the number of clients they take on and the hours they choose to work. Many jobs in nursing do not have nights or weekend hours, but in the case of self-employment, these are an option.

If you are a nurse who wants more job flexibility in terms of work environment and the clients you work with, consider becoming a coach. Nurse coaching is one of the few specialties within nursing that has as much job flexibility.

Contact a company like Advancing Nurse Coaching for more information.
