Learning Wetland Delineations Through Training Courses to Advance Your Career

14 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Wetland delineations are done by professionals who are trained in identifying wetland plants, testing soil, and carefully outlining where the wetland boundaries are. There are a number of benefits to protecting wetlands, and it is necessary for a developer to have a wetland delineation done before developing a property that is within or near a wetland. Wetlands provide natural habitats for wildlife, help control flooding, and keep our drinking water clean. As wetlands are so important to our natural ecosystem, figuring out where a wetland ends is important when trying to develop a particular parcel of land. There are federal, state, and local regulations in place to protect wetlands.

The Importance of a Wetland Delineation

A wetland delineation is the first thing you need to do when you are working on any type of project that could impact a wetland. Developers have to get a permit in order to develop or disrupt a wetland in any way. The wetland delineation shows the exact location of the wetland on the property and what the boundaries are. Even when someone simply wants to drain a field in order to plant a crop, if a wetland can be impacted, a wetland delineation survey must be done.

What Is Learned in a Wetland Delineation Training Course

When you are trained to complete wetland delineations, you will learn how to create a delineations map in order to submit your report. This map shows the exact boundaries of all identified wetlands and streams on the property. It is a map that indicates the location where the investigation occurred, as well as any data points that were established. As you complete your work in the field, you will use wetland flags that make it easier to identify markers and boundaries of the wetland and all existing tributaries. You will also learn how to assess climate conditions, create data, collect soil samples, and more. 

Wetland delineation training will teach you how to prepare for the field with the right equipment. Some of the materials you will need to conduct a thorough investigation includes:

  • Plant identification books.
  • A waterproof camera.
  • A waterproof notebook.
  • Delineation flags.
  • A soil auger and soil identification chart.

You will also need to wear the right clothing, have sunscreen, and bug spray, and have a cell phone or two-way radio to get help if you need it. Wetland delineations training courses can prepare you to complete wetland delineations and help protect the environment.
