Ready To Host A Webinar? 5 Tips For A Successful First Webinar

28 December 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Webinars are a great learning tool because they allow an instructor to connect with students who live outside of the instructor's geographical area. Webinars are a great way to connect learners and instructors who are located all over the world.

Tip #1: Choose the Right Platform

First, the platform that you choose to trust your webinar with matters. To start with, participants have to register for the webinar and with the hosting platform. You will get more people to sign up if you use a platform they are already familiar with.

You want a platform that allows people to join from multiple devices, such as a computer or phone. That way, no matter what someone has access to at the time, they can join the event.

You also want a platform that has an automated system for sending out reminders and information about the event to those who sign up.

Tip #2: Think Carefully About Timing

Second, you need to think carefully about timing for the webinar. You want live participants with a webinar.

You need to think about where your traffic is coming from, For example, a webinar at 8am EST would not be the best if you expect to have participants on from the West Coast, where it would only be 5am.

Schedule for a time that works for the majority of your audience so that as many people can participate live instead of listening to a recording later.

Tip #3: Use the Right Equipment

When you set-up a webinar, you need to make sure you are using the right equipment. Don't rely on the built-in microphone on the computer; the quality is usually not the best. You should have a headset or a landline to use for the webinar. Always have a back-up computer and headset, just in case your original set-up doesn't work. As the host of the webinar, you need to make sure you are present.

Tip #4: Advertise the Experience

Finally, you need to advertise the experience. Make sure you communicate about the webinar to the intended audience. For example, if the webinar is for your staff, make sure you send out information in staff emails. If your webinar is for an outside audience, advertise on your social media accounts and through your email lists. Get people to sign up in advance, and send out reminder emails and notifications

When it comes to connecting with a large audience in real time, a webinar can be a great learning tool. For a successful webinar, you need to choose the right platform, think carefully about timing, use the best equipment possible, have back-up equipment at the ready, and advertising the experience to your intended audience. You may want to work with a professional webinar producer for the best results.
